2011年3月11日日本东北部海域发生里氏9.0地震和海啸,包括中国在内的18支国际救援队到达灾区,18支救援队按〈联合国国际搜救行动指南〉配置人员与装备,在联合国现场协调中心的统一调度下开展以搜救为主要任务的救援行动.18支队伍中,1支(5%)于灾后第1 d到达,9支(50%)于灾后第2 d到达;4支(22%)于灾后第3 d到达,1支(5%)于灾后第4 d到达,平均在灾后3 d到达灾区,在灾区平均工作的时间是7 d.中国国际救援队15人,其中医疗队员1人,于震后第2 d飞抵日本.3月15日,福岛核电站发生爆炸及放射性物质泄漏,灾区遭遇降雪天气,搜救工作困难增加.多国救援队未能救出幸存者,各队也无人员伤亡.联合国倡导的融合搜索、营救与医疗三项主体行动于一体的现代城市搜救队建队模式已为众多国家,尤其是正迈向城市化的国家(包括中国)所接受.
On 11 March 2011 an earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale occurred in northeast Honshu, Japan, that triggered tsunami. About 15 million people were hit by the disaster. After the earthquake 18 international rescue teams arrived at the disaster-stricken area on time. The average days of operation were 7 days for all the teams. The International Rescue Team of China was consisted of 15 members including one medical professional. Fifteen of the 18 international rescue teams deployed their members and equipments based on the International Search and Rescue Action Guidelines and worked under the dispatch of the Virtual On Site Office of Coordination Center, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. After earthquake, an explosion and radiation leakage occurred in the Fukujima Nuclear Plant on 15 March, which increased the difficulty of rescue. Snow storm exacerbated the difficulties to the victims and rescue teams as well. All international teams failed to extricate even one survivor from the ruins and none of their personnel was injured. Experience showed that the model of building urban rescue teams based on integration of search, rescue, and medical operation is a good model accepted by different countries, especially those countries, such as China, that are marching toward urbanization.
China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
International search and rescue team
Medical rescue