目的 通过动物实验模拟右房右室连接术和右房肺动脉连接术,对比研究两种术式的血流动力学效果。方法 选10 条成年杂种犬,随机分成右房右室连接和右房肺动脉连接两组,右房右室连接组分别利用50 % 及25 % 的右室容积参与 Fontan 循环,监测血流动力学参数,计算能量损耗,再与右房肺动脉连接组进行比较。结果 与右房肺动脉连接组相比,无论是50 % 还是25 % 的右室容积用于 Fontan 循环,其手术后右房压低( P < 0 .05) 、每搏功指数高( P < 0 .05) 、能量损耗小( P < 0 .01) 。结论 治疗三尖瓣闭锁,可利用发育不良的右心室参与 Fontan 循环。
Objective To compare the hemodynamic effect of atrioventricular versus atriopulmonary connections for modified Fontan in dogs. Methods Ten adult mongrel dogs were divided into two groups. Group I underwent right atrium to right ventricle (using 50% and 25% right ventricular chamber, respectively) connection with the flap of valved homopulmonary artery (modified Bjrk procedure). Group Ⅱ were subjected to the modified atriopulmonary connection. The right atrium pressure and pulmonary artery pressure were measured by a Swan Ganz catheter. The cardiac output were measured by thermodilution, and the fluid energy loss was calculated. rk procedure). Group Ⅱ were subjected to the modified atriopulmonary connection. The right atrium pressure and pulmonary artery pressure were measured by a Swan Ganz catheter. The cardiac output were measured by thermodilution, and the fluid energy loss was calculated. Results The postoperative right atrium pressure in group I was lower than in group Ⅱ (P<0.05). The postoperative stroke index in group I was higher than in group Ⅱ (P<0.05). The fluid energy loss was decreased when 50% or 25% right ventricle chamber were used (P<0.01). Conclusion Atrioventricular connection would be better than atriopulmonary connections from modified Fontan repair of tricuspid valve atresia.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery