

Application of two framework prosthesis in the reconstruction of the unilateral maxillary defect
摘要 目的探讨两种支架式赝复体在单侧上颌骨缺损修复中的应用。方法对35例单侧上颌骨缺损伴牙列缺损的患者,采用纯钛支架式中空赝复体进行修复,并随访1~3年,观察疗效(包括主观问卷调查和专科检查)。同时采用普通铸造支架中空式赝复体28例进行对照。结果临床应用(包括问卷观察及临床疗效专科检查)发现,两组患者面部外形有了很大改善,咀嚼功能部分恢复;而两组进一步比较:钛支架式赝复体组反映修复体轻巧,体积小,摘戴方便,舒适,获得了更好的固位和支持,咀嚼和发音功能状态时修复体具有良好的稳定性。结论两种支架式中空赝复体能达到赝复体修复目的,但钛支架赝复体生物相容性好,更好地恢复了外形、语言、咀嚼及美观,更好地保护了基牙,是修复效果更理想的赝复体。 【Objective】 To investigate the clinical application and effect of the prosthesis with two framework in the reconstruction of the unilateral maxillary defect.【Method】 One to three years follow-up of 35 cases of unilateral maxillary defect who used the obturator prosthesis with titanium framework were observed clinically.At the same time 28 patients with unilateral maxillary defect by ordinary framework prosthesis were used as control.【Result】 Both of these two patients got some function repaired including face appearance and mastication facts.The prostheses with titanium framework were much more excellent in biocompatibility,lighter in weight,smaller in volume,more comfortable to wear.And distinctively the titanium group could provide enough retention and decrease the stress of abutments and residual ridge to protect the abutments and residual ridge.【Conclusion】 Both of these two prostheses can obtain the obturator's functions,especially the prosthesis with titanium framework.The titanium framework prosthesis can play better in the reconstruction of the unilateral maxillary defect.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第13期1511-1514,共4页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
关键词 赝复体 上颌骨缺损 纯钛 Obturator prosthesis Unilateral maxillary defect Titanium framework
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