
“绿色革命之父”诺曼·布劳格 被引量:5

Norman Borlaug:Father of the Green Revolution
摘要 布劳格是国际著名的小麦育种学家、诺贝尔和平奖得主,其培育的20多个小麦矮杆高产品种对世界粮食生产产生了积极影响。因其终生致力于以农业技术创新消除发展中国家的饥饿和贫困问题,他被国际社会誉为"最杰出的反饥饿斗士、"绿色革命之父"。本文对布劳格的生平、育种科研和推广活动以及社会贡献进行系统介绍。 Norman Borlaug is a renowned wheat scientist and Noble Peace Laureate.The High-yielding wheat varieties he had bred have influenced food security worldwide.Because of his life dedicated to fighting hunger in developing countries,the international society praise him as the greatest hunger fighter of our time and the Father of the Green Revolution.Here is a systemic review his whole life,especially his breeding research and technology promoting activities in developing countries.
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期111-117,125,共7页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
关键词 诺曼·布劳格 穿梭育种 绿色革命 世界粮食奖 Norman Borlaug Shuttle breeding Green revolution World food prize
  • 相关文献


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