目的:探讨白念珠菌对氟康唑耐药性的产生是否有适应性突变的因素。方法:选择对氟康唑敏感的白念珠菌野生 Y0109 株,将其在含 8 μg/m l氟康唑的沙堡固体培养基上进行漂移试验诱导培养,计数其生长出的菌落并根据 Cairns 的理论进行曲线拟合。结果和结论:拟合出的曲线基本符合 Poisson 曲线分布特点,根据 Cairns 的适应性突变理论及判定方法,初步证实白念珠菌对氟康唑耐药主要是因药物本身的后天诱导作用,使该敏感白念珠菌发生了适应性突变而成为耐药菌株。
Objective: To investigate whether candida albicans resistance to fluconazole is because of the adaptive mutation. Methods: We choose fluconazole susceptible candida albicans clone Y0109 clone, the standard wild clone, and culture it in the plates containing fluconazole (the concentration is 8 μg/ml ), then count all the fluconazole resistance colonies that could grow from one plate, and imitate a curve according to the theory of Cairns. Results and Conclusion: The curve showed an expected distribution as the Poisson′ fluctuation test. The main source of the fluconazole resistance candida albicans is the fluconazole susceptible candida albicans ′ adaptive mutation to fluconazole. In other words, it is just the fluconazole itself that cause the candida albicans′ fluconazole resistance character.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University