目的:介绍腰椎间盘突出症手术治疗后,出现顽固性下腰痛患者的银针治疗。方法:选择无术后椎间盘再突出和椎管再狭窄的24 例患者,均因手术摘除髓核一段时间后出现顽固性下腰部及臀部疼痛,以痛点银针加艾灸治疗。结果:治疗前后的压痛点得分差异显著( P< 0 .001) 。结论:对腰椎间盘突出症术后腰臀部顽固性压痛点采用银针治疗,具有简单实用、安全等优点。只要病例选择适当,银针具有较好的临床疗效。
Objective: To introduce a new silver needle therapy at tender point for intractable low back pain after removal of nucleus pulposus. Method:24 patients were treated by traditional silver needle therapy at the tender point in their low back and buttock.Pain score of each of the tender point was measured at pre and post treatment respectively and the scores were compared with t test.Result:The total scores for each of tender point after treatment were significantly lower than the scores of pre treatment ( P <0.001). Conclusion: The acupuncture with silver needle had good effects on the intractable low back pain in suitable patients. Author′s address\ Dept. of Traditional Chinese Medicine,the First Military Medical University,510515
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine