
综合洪水风险管理新进展 被引量:4

New advance in integrated flood risk management
摘要 依据欧盟洪水风险管理指令,对洪水风险的定义进行了探讨。将综合洪水风险管理描述为由洪水事件、洪水管理、恢复重建和防洪等4个阶段组成的持续重复过程。综合洪水风险管理需要进行多层次、多部门的合作和跨学科的研究,为此简要介绍由德国联邦教育和研究部资助的"极端洪水事件的风险管理"综合性研究计划项目(2005—2010年)所取得的新成果。 On the basis of the EC directive on flood risk management,the definition of flood risk is discussed.The integrated flood risk management is described as an ongoing iterative process with its 4 phases of flood event,flood management,regeneration and flood preventions.It requires multilevel and cross-sectoral coordination as well as interdisciplinary research.Therefore it introduces in brief the new results of the comprehensive research program(2005—2010)"Risk management of extreme flood events",funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
作者 胡苏萍
出处 《中国水利》 北大核心 2011年第11期49-52,共4页 China Water Resources
关键词 洪水风险管理 危险性 脆弱性 极端洪水事件 flood risk management hazard vulnerability extreme flood event
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