目的 :初步观察玻璃体切割硅油填充术后眼的屈光状态。方法 :对 17例已行玻璃体切割硅油填充手术后视网膜基本复位的患者进行检影 ,对比患者术前术后不同的屈光状态并进行分析。结果 :17例术后患者的屈光度均比术前增加 +9.15± 1.96D(平均值 )、矫正视力也均有提高。结论
Objective:To tentatively observe the refractive state of the eyes with silicone oil injection.Methods:Retinoscopy was performed on 17 eyes of 17 patients with silicone oil injection in which the retina is in place.Pre-and postoperative refractive states were compared.Rseults:Postoperative refractive error is +9.15±1.96 greater than the preoperative state.Corrected visual acuities are all improved.Conclusion:The postoperative refractive error becomes more plus when the posterior surface of the lens is fused with silicone oil. [FK(WB80011。5]
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology