

BALANCING POWERS Balance of The Authority
摘要 主要从语言和历史的角度讨论"臣"字的流变。从语言学角度来看,"臣"这个基本字形曾衍生出了一系列不同的复合字形。"臣"的本义主要和视觉、观察有关,它的引申义则包括坚固、侧面等等。例如,"臣"字有可能是"真"、"肾"的声旁和"卧"的形旁。第二部分探讨了战国时代的文本中"臣"这一职业的演变。《论语》中的"臣"是尽职尽责的君子,《孟子》里"臣"几乎和"君"地位相当;《荀子》里的"臣"似乎又重新回到了对君主的效忠;《韩非子》里的"臣"则严格服从于君主。 The article discusses the word chen-vassal from a linguistic and a historical point of view.Linguistically,chen is a primary graph that has proliferated into a wide array of other compound graphs.The main meaning of the graph has to do with vision,observation,but chen also has secondary meanings like solid,and sideways.For example,it is probably the phonetic element in zhen-true and shen-kidney,and the graphic element in wo-resting sideways.The second half of the article discusses the career of the chen-minister in Warring States texts,from the dutiful junzi of the Analects,to near equality with the jun-ruler in Mencius,to modified loyalty in Xunzi,to strict subordination to the jun-ruler in Han Feizi.
作者 罗慕士 吴夏
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期5-12,共8页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 “臣” 大臣 君臣关系 战国时代的事君角色 chen-vassal minister jun-chen relations warring statesroles of service
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