目的:对国产氟苯水杨酸胶囊剂与进口片剂进行溶出度的比较。方法:参照USP23 版氟苯水杨酸片剂的溶出度测定方法,用紫外分光光度仪测定其含量。结果:测定方法的平均回收率为100-27% ,RSD为0-62% ,溶出度的重现性与均一性都较好。胶囊剂与片剂溶出80% 所需的时间分别为12-80min 与13-04min。结论:胶囊剂与片剂均符合质量标准中所规定的溶出限度,T80 两者无显著性差异。
OBJECTIVE:The vitro release of diflunisal capsules were compared with the tablets (imported,made by Merck Corporation).METHODS:Referring to the USP ⅩⅩⅢ,the dissolution and the content of two kinds of dosage forms containing diflunisal were determined by UV spectropholometer respectively.RESULTS:The average recovery was 100.27%( RSD =0.62%).The in vitro release of capsules was faster that of diflunisal material and available tablets. T 80 of capsules was 12.8min vs.13.08min of tablets.CONCLUSION:The rate of dissolution has no significance differences between the capsules and the imported tablets.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice