China Standards Review
1张琪玉,李海云,朱雅君.盐酸克仑特罗中毒40例分析[J].中国医师杂志,2002,4(9):1035-1036. 被引量:15
2蒋巧燕.盐酸克伦特罗中毒11例分析[J].医学理论与实践,2002,15(4):434-434. 被引量:5
3陈永壮.“瘦肉精”中毒的流行病学特征及防制对策[J].中国卫生监督杂志,2002,9(5):280-281. 被引量:8
4刘国艳,柴春彦.如何全面认识“瘦肉精”[J].动物科学与动物医学,2002,19(6):1-3. 被引量:26
5Elliott C T, Mccaughey W J, Crooks S R H et al. Residues of clenbuterol in cattle receiving therapeutic doses: Implications for differentiating between legal and illegal use[J]. Vet Q, 1995,17: 100-102.
6凌明亮,黄仁术.瘦肉精的危害及检测方法[J].安徽农学通报,2003,9(4):87-88. 被引量:11
7Sauern M J,Pickett R J H,Limer Set al. Distribution and elimination of clenbuterol in tissues and fluids of calves following prolonged oral administration at a grow-promoting dose[J]. J Vet Pharmaeol Therap, 19 9 5,18 : 81 - 86.
8林荣泉.瘦肉精对人的危害及防制[J].肉类工业,2002(7):30-31. 被引量:9
9张玲,邵春花.瘦肉精的危害及其预防措施[J].新疆农垦科技,2003,26(6):19-20. 被引量:7
10汪令四.含“瘦肉精”畜产品对人健康的危害[J].畜牧兽医杂志,2002,21(4):29-30. 被引量:17
1刘国艳 柴春彦.动物性产品中盐酸克伦特罗的检测方法及研究进展[N].中国畜牧报,2002-10-27,2002-11-3.
2张成刚 李大魁 张继春.瘦肉精中毒及其治疗.中国医学论坛,2001,(4):24-26.
3[1]Alodo R, Anna C M, Francesco P, et al. A rapid and sensitive 384-microtiter wells format chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for clenbuterol[J]. Taianta, 2000,52:311-318
4[2]Smith D J. The Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Tissue Residues of β-Adrenergic Agonists in Livestock[J]. J. Anim. Sci, 1998,76:173-194
5[3]Sawaya W N, Lone K, Husain A, et al. Screening for β-Agonists in sheep urine and eyes by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the state of Kuwait[J]. Food Control, 2000,11:1-5
6[4]Gianfranco B, Maurizio F, Barbara R, et al. Use of molecularly imprinted polymers in the solid-phase extraction of clenbuterol from animal feeds and biological matrices[J]. Journal of Chromatography B, 2001,759:27-32
7[5]Pizaariello A, Stred'ansky M, Stred'ansky S, et al. A solid binging matrix/molecularly imprinted polymer-based sensor system for the determination of clenbuterol in bovine liver using differential-pulse voltametry[J]. Sensors and Actuators B, 2001,76:286-294
8[6]Sauern M. J, Pickett R J H, Limer S, et al. Distribution and elimination of clenbuterol in tissues and fluids of calves following prolonged oral administration at a growth-promoting dose[J]. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap, 1995,18:81-86
9[7]Fente C A, Vazquez B I, Franco C, et al. Determination of clenbuterol residues in bovine hair by using diphasic dialysis and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry[J]. Journal of Chromatography B, 1999,726:133-139
10[8]Elliott C T, Mccaughey W J, Crooks S R H, et al. Residues of clenbuterol in cattle receiving therapeutic doses: Implications for differentiating between legal and illegal use[J]. Vet. Q, 1995,17:100-102
2Nana Fofana,徐黎,郝云彬,叶兴乾.近年来国内重大食品安全案例的回顾及分析[J].食品科技,2004,29(6):7-9. 被引量:6
3李繁,梁珠娴,鲁玉花.“瘦肉精”残留检测研究进展[J].肉品卫生,2004(8):29-32. 被引量:1
4张清安,范学辉.动物性食品中盐酸克伦特罗(瘦肉精)残留危害及其检测方法研究进展[J].食品与发酵工业,2004,30(9):108-111. 被引量:25
5许春光,杨克军.胶体金法与ELISA法检测盐酸克伦特罗的比较试验研究[J].中国动物检疫,2005,22(1):22-24. 被引量:3
6王选平.盐酸克伦特罗食物中毒[J].预防医学文献信息,2004,10(1):73-75. 被引量:4
7王磊,宋莉,沈美华.76例“瘦肉精”中毒临床报告[J].临床荟萃,2005,20(5):277-278. 被引量:6
8许春光,杨克军.胶体金法与ELISA法检测盐酸克伦特罗的比较试验研究[J].肉品卫生,2005(3):37-39. 被引量:1
9杨洋,绪成.在岗位上奉献 在平凡中闪光——记全国交通系统劳动模范罗金一[J].中国水运,2005(5):60-61.
10张清安,范学辉.动物性食品中残留盐酸克伦特罗的研究进展[J].食品科学,2005,26(5):265-268. 被引量:9
1潘红艳,宫智勇.氟苯尼考的研究进展及临床应用[J].湖北农业科学,2011,50(2):229-232. 被引量:17
2滑静,王建立,张淑萍.动物性食品中四环素类药物残留的检测方法[J].动物科学与动物医学,2004,21(7):26-27. 被引量:15
5李政清,聂婉,伍晓红,陈秋玲,王琤(韦华).沙丁胺醇的检测方法研究进展[J].中国饲料,2017(1):33-35. 被引量:3
6李勋,时建忠,唐湘方.猪舍氨气排放量及其检测技术的研究进展[J].中国畜牧兽医,2014,41(2):258-263. 被引量:5
7刘妍,刘遵坤,曹华,李树林,陆小玉,王颖.牛布鲁氏菌病的实验室常用检测方法的对比[J].现代农村科技,2015(23):39-39. 被引量:4
8杨爱君.牛奶中抗生素残留的几种常用检测方法[J].中国食品工业,2004(10):60-61. 被引量:12
9孙书刚,李建伟,张富刚,孙书涛,陈国信.沙丁胺醇及其常用检测方法[J].中国畜牧业,2015,0(3):57-58. 被引量:3
10张诗尧,赵元,刘丹丹,鲍男,赵寒冬,张迪.日粮中大豆抗原蛋白检测方法的研究进展[J].大豆科学,2015,34(3):518-521. 被引量:3