肝受体类似物-1(liver receptor homolog-1,Lrh-1;NR5A2)是核受体的Ftz-F1亚家族成员,在胚胎发育、分化、胆固醇代谢、胆汁酸的动态平衡以及类固醇激素生成等都具有重要的作用。通过对健康的经产小鼠不同个体间Lrh-1基因CDS(Coding Sequence)特征域区测序及比对分析,结果发现,在LBD(Ligand binding domain)配体结合域区存在较大序列差异,有2种类型,1种与NM_001159769相似,而另1种则与NG_012313.1相似,两者序列差异较大,当翻译为多肽链后发现,第2种类型的序列中提前出现终止子,氨基酸数量相对减少83个,但这种缺失未导致该基因功能的丧失,表明该区段与Lrh-1蛋白质功能的不紧密性。
The liver receptor homolog-1(Lrh-1;NR5A2) is one of members of the Ftz-F1 subfamily of nu-clear receptors.Lrh-1 plays a predominant role in the embryo development,reverse cholesterol transport,bile-acid homeostasis and steroidogenesis.In this study,we analyzed the CDS of Lrh-1 from several mice by cloning and sequencing,and the result shows that there existed sequence differences in LBD region between different mice.There are two types in LBD region,one is similar to NM001159769,and the other is similar to NG012313.1.When the sequences of LBD region were translated into polypeptides,the amino acid of the second type was found to be less than that of the first one,but no functional defect was found in it.So the region of LBD is not the all-important part of Lrh-1 in its function
Journal of Anhui Agricultural University