
主权财富基金文献综述 被引量:1

摘要 主权财富基金作为全球资产的一个重要投资者,在金融危机之后正逐渐吸引着越来越多人的注意。本文对已有的主权财富基金研究成果进行了综述,内容主要包括主权财富基金概况,主权财富基金投资策略以及主权财富基金对全球经济的影响三个方面。论文最后对文献进行了全面的总结和评价。
作者 雷勇
出处 《知识经济》 2011年第12期32-33,共2页 Knowledge Economy
  • 相关文献


  • 1Christopher Balding, A Portfolio Analysis Of Sovereign Wealth FundsER]. The M ilken Institute University of California, 2009.
  • 2Clay Lowery.Sovereign Wealth Funds and the International Financial System[R] .Remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco's Conference on the Asian Financial Crisis Revisited, US Treasury, June 21.2007.
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  • 5Kathryn L.Dewenter.Firm Values and Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments[J].Journal of Financial Economics, August 27,2009.
  • 6Miles, D., and Jen S.Sovereign Wealth Funds and Bond and Equity prices[J].Morgan Stanley Research, 2007.
  • 7Robert M.Kimmitt.Public Footprints Private Markets- Sovereignty Wealth Funds and the World Economy[J].Foreign Affairs.January/February 2008.
  • 8Stephen Jen.Tracking the Tectonic Shift in Foreign Reserves and SWFs [R] .Morgan Stanley Research Global, 2007.3.
  • 9Steffen Kern.Sovereign Wealth Funds State Investment on the Rise[J]. Deutsche Bank Research, September 10,2007.
  • 10Owen F.HumPage,Miehael Shenk.Sovereign Wealth Funds[J].Economic Trends, 2007.6.


  • 1王健君.主权财富基金中国“入场”[J].瞭望,2007(28):8-9. 被引量:8
  • 2陈超.2008:《主权财富基金未来发展面临五大挑战》.《上海证券报》,5月15日.
  • 3Andrew Rozanov,2005, "Who Holds Wealth of Nations", Central Banking Journal, May.
  • 4Campbell, John Y., and Luis M. Viceira, 2002, Strategic Asset Allocation - portfolio Choice for Long-Term Investors, Oxford University Press.
  • 5Clay Lowery, 2007, "Sovereign Wealth Funds and the International Financial System", Remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco' s Conference on the Asian Financial Crisis Revisited, US Treasury, June 21.
  • 6D Miles, M Baker & V Pillonea,2005, "What Should Equities and Bonds Be Worth in a Risky World?", Morgan Stanley Research.
  • 7McKinsey, 2007, "Sovereign Wealth Funds", Global Institute, October.
  • 8Miles, D., and Jen S., 2007, "Sovereign Wealth Funds and Bond and Equity Prices", Morgan Stanley Research.
  • 9Eric Le Borgne and Paulo Medas, 2007, “Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Pacific Island Countries: Macro-Fiscal Linkages”, IMF Working Paper No. 07/297.
  • 10Gerard Lyons, 2007, “State Capitalism: The Rise of Sovereign Wealth Funds”, Standard Chartered Research, Thought Leadership, October 15.



  • 1Steven Scholes, Matthew Diller. Sovereign Wealth Funds: Regulattion and Ligation Issues in the United States[J].Financier Worldwide, 2010,(4).
  • 2Andrew Rozanov.From Reserves to Sovereign Wealth Management[J].Central Banking,2005,(15).
  • 3U.S. Department of the Treasury. Report to Congress on International Economic and Exchange Rate Policies,June 2007[EB/OL].(2007-08-28).http .. //www.ustreas.gov/offices-affairs/economics- exchange-rates/pdf/2007_Appendix-3 .pdf.
  • 4Jen.S. Sovereign Wealth Funds. What are They and What's Happening [J]. World Economics,2007,(8).
  • 5The Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute. What is A Sovereign Wealth Fund[EB/OL].(2007-11-09). http : //www.swfinstitute.org/swf.php.
  • 6Walid Ben Hamida. Sovereign FDI and International Investment Agreements : Questions Relating to the Qualification of Sovereign Entities and the Admission of Their Investments under Investment Agreements[J]. The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals,2010,(9).
  • 7Richard A.Epstein, Amanda M.Rose.The Regulation of Sovereign Wealth Funds.. The Virtues of Going Slow[J]. The University of Chicago Law Review,2009,(76).
  • 8IMF.Monetary and Capital Markets and Policy Development and Review Departments of the International Monetary Fund. Sovereign Wealth Funds- A Work Agenda [EB/OL]. [2012-10-18]. http //www.irnf.org/external/np/pp/eng/2008/O22908.pdf.
  • 9International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds. Sovereign Wealth Funds : Generally Accepted Prinples and Practices: "Santiago Principles[R].2008.
  • 10George K. Foster. Collecting from Sovereigns : The Current Legal Framework for Enforcing Arbitral Awards and Court Judgments Against States and Their lnstrumentaities, and Some Proposals for Its Refoms[J]. Ariz J. Intl & Comp L., 2008,(10).










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