
对中国现行土地利用战略解决土地供需矛盾的反思 被引量:21

Rethinking the Current Land Use Strategies of Solving the Conflicts between Land Supply and Demand in China
摘要 研究目的:系统回顾建国以来中国土地利用战略,预测分析当前土地资源现状及未来的利用趋势,指出现行土地利用战略存在的问题,提出转变土地资源利用战略的建议。研究方法:调研分析法和专家咨询法。研究结果:土地资源的供需矛盾乃是当前土地利用的主要矛盾,有限的土地资源不能满足各部门的土地需求乃是当前主要的土地问题。现行的土地资源利用战略不能从根本上解决土地资源的供需矛盾。研究结论:解决新阶段土地问题的关键是全面地节约集约利用土地、提高土地利用效率;应实现"在节约集约利用土地的基础上,保发展,保资源,保环境"(三保一基础)的土地资源利用战略转变;要多管齐下,提高农用地质量,实现"农用地数量保护与农用地生产能力提高并重"的土地资源利用战略转变;建议实施差别化的区域土地利用战略。 The purposes of this paper are to ( 1 ) review land use strategies in China since 1949; (2) analyze current land resource status and predict future trend s of land use; (3) point out the problems of present land use strategies; (4) put forward suggestions for the change of land use strategies. Methods employed are investigation analysis and expert consultation. The results indicate that (1) the conflict between land supply and demand of land resources is critical for current land use; (2) currently the main problem of land use is that the limited land resources can not meet various demands; (3) current land resource use strategies can not radically resolve conflict between land supply and demand. It is concluded that ( 1 ) the key to solve the land use problems in the new phase is to use land comprehensively, economically and intensively;(2) land resource use strategies should be adapted to the “ensuring the securities of economic development, resource and environment protection based on the economized and intensive land use” (i.e. the so-called “three securities and one basis”); (3) the farmland quality should be improved from various aspects and to emphasize the principle of “both focus on farmland quantity preservation and farmland capacity improvement”; (4) it issuggested that the differential regional land use strategies should be implemented.
出处 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期9-12,共4页 China Land Science
基金 国土资源部土地利用重点实验室“土地资源战略研究”课题 “十一五”国家科技支撑计划(2006BAJ05A02-2)资助
关键词 土地利用 战略 土地供需矛盾 land use strategy the conflict between supply and demand
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