
生态指标法用于铜矿资源开发利用生态环境影响评价 被引量:1

Eco-indicator Applied for Eco-environmental Impact Assessment in Extraction and Manufacture of Copper Ore Resources
摘要 生态指标法Eco-indicator 99是使用较为成熟、应用较为广泛的一种生命周期评价方法,本文将其应用于铜矿资源开发利用生态环境影响评价。该方法将人类毒性、温室效应、电离辐射、臭氧层损耗、呼吸系统的影响、酸化、水体富营养化、生态毒性、土地占用、化石燃料和矿物开采折算为Eco-indicator 99损害因子当量,再经标准化和加权处理得到各损害指标的生态环境影响指数。本研究为铜矿资源开发利用的能源和生态环境问题的初步分析提供了可借鉴的方法。 Eco-indicator 99 is one widespread and practical way of the current life cycle assessment(LCA) methodologies.It is applied for eco-environmental impact assessment in the extraction and manufacture of copper ore resources.In this method,the indicators were converted into Eco-indicator 99 damage factor equivalent,then were normalized and weighted,such as human toxicity,global warming potential,ionizing radiation,ozone layer depletion,respiratory,acidification,eutrophication,eco-toxicity,land-use,fossil fuel availability and extraction of minerals.At last,the eco-environment impact indexes were gotten.This research presents the method on the preliminary analysis of energy,resources and the eco-environmental problems for the extraction and manufacture of copper ore resources.
出处 《有色金属》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期292-296,共5页 Nonferrous Metals
关键词 生命周期评价(LCA) Eco-indicator99 火法/湿法炼铜 生态环境影响评价 life cycle assessment(LCA) Eco-indicator 99 pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical metallic copper production eco-environmental impact assessment
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