
快速点燃海马杏仁核建立癫癎鼠模型 被引量:1

Rat model for epilepsy established by rapid kindling the hippocampus or amygdala
摘要 目的:快速建立实验性癫癎动物模型。方法:17 只大鼠右侧海马和11 只鼠右侧杏仁核均埋植电极,用IS2 型智能刺激器,以200600 μA 电脉冲刺激点燃海马杏仁核。结果:电刺激可诱发癎性发作和后放电,癎性行为分为五级,后放电呈高幅棘波。在点燃过程中,可记录到两种脑电活动:癎性脑电活动和自发性癎性脑电活动。随着电刺激次数的增多,发现Ⅱ、Ⅲ级癎性行为伴随较短的后放电时程,Ⅳ级以上癎性行为伴随较长的后放电时程。对原参数的刺激,大鼠癎性发作的敏感性增强并可持续数周。结论:应用低频短间隔电脉冲刺激大鼠海马或杏仁核可快速建立稳固的动物癫癎模型。 Objectives:To establish experimental animal model for epilepsy rapidly.Methods:Electrodes were implanted into the right hippocampus of 17 rats or the right amygdala of 11 rats. The hippocampus or amygdala kindling was established by electrical stimuli with 200 600μA intratrain in IS 2 type intellectual stimulator.Results:The electrical stimuli could evoke epileptic seizure and after discharges. The epileptic behavior was divided into five scales. The after discharges displayed spike waves with high amplitude. Two types of brain electrical activities (epileptic brain electrical activities and spontaneous epileptic brain electrical activities) could be recorded during kindling. With the increace of stimuli, the Ⅱ and Ⅲ scale epileptic behaviors were accompanied by short afterdischarge duration, and epileptic behaviors above Ⅳ scale by prolonged afterdischarge duration. The sensitivity of rat epileptic seizures to the same parameter stimulation was enhanced and could persist for several weeks. Conclusions:Stimulating the hippocampus or amygdala by low frequency and short intervals electric pulse could establish rapidly stable animal model for epilepsy.
出处 《临床脑电学杂志》 1999年第4期223-226,共4页
关键词 点燃 海马 杏仁核 癫痫 后放电 动物模型 Kindling Hippocampus Amygdala Epilepsy After discharge
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