目的:探讨股骨头坏死的发病机理。方法:未成年雄性日本大耳白兔 60只,分成三组:A组股骨头坏死组,共40只,分为 4小组。B组预防组,10 只。C组 创伤组,10只。所有动物在术前及术后(A,B两组动物分别术后2周,4周,8周,12 周,C组在术后2周,4周)抽耳缘静脉血作血液流变学检测。结果:A组的血液粘度 较术前明显升高,与 B组同期比较,相差非常显著(P<0.01),B组血液粘度明显 低于A组(P<0.01),与术前比较相差不显著(P>0.05),C组在术后2周内血液 粘度较术前升高,术后4周恢复到术前水平。结论:1.在兔股骨头坏死发病过程中, 血液维持高粘滞状态。2.肝素加山莨菪碱能明显改善血液高粘滞状态,预防实验 兔股骨头坏死的发生。3.在兔股骨头坏死早期,血液高粘滞状态出现在X线片异 常之前。血液流变学因素在股骨头坏死的发病机理中可能起重要作用。
To study the pathogenesis of avascular mecrosis of the femoral head . Method : 60 impubic male Japanese rabbits were divided into 3 groups: Group A(avascular necrosis of the femoral head) .40 rabbits were subdivided into 2w,4w,8w,12w subgroups according to execution time. Group B( preven-tion group) : 10 rabbits . Group C( control of trauma) : 10 rabbits. Hemorheological parameters were ex-amined preoperatively and 2w , 4w , 8w , 12w postoperatively before execution . Results : The blood viscosi-ty of group A increased significantly after operation . It was significantly higher than that of group B and C(P<0.01).No significance was found between blood viscosity of group B and that of preoperation( P > 0.05) .The blood viscosity of group C increased within 2 weeks postoperatively , and resumed to its preoperative level 4 weeks after operation . Conclusion : 1 . Hyperviscosity maintained in the course of avascular mecrosis of the femoral head in rabbits . 2 . Heparin and 654 - 2 could ameliorate hyperviscosi-ty , prevent avascular necrosis of the femoral head from occuring in rabbits . 3 . In the early stage of avas-cular necrosis of the femoral head in rabbita, hyperviscosity presented it self prior to abnormalities on ordinary X-ray films . Hemorheological factors probably played an important role in the pathogenesis of avascular necrosis of the femoral head .
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology
avascular necrosis of the femoral head , osteonecrosis , bemorheology , blood viscosity , patho-genesis