目的 为确保大灾之后无大疫,及时掌握灾区流行性出血热的疫情动态,有针对性的制订防制对策,更好的指导防制实践。方法 按照卫生部和中国预防医学科学院救灾办公室统一制定的流行性出血热监测方案,采取现场调查和实验室检测相结合的研究方法,于1998 ~1999年在8 省( 自治区)40 个灾区监测点,开展了人间疫情和宿主动物监测研究。结果 查明35 个监测点地区人群1997 年发病率为16 .75/10 万,受灾的1998 年为16 .30/10 万,受灾当年流行性出血热疫情基本稳定。1999 年1 季度监测点地区人群发病与1998 年同期相比减少1 .7 倍。病例的临床诊断经血清学核实,符合率为73.03 % 。健康人群隐性感染率为5 .65 % 。灾区监测点野外黑线姬鼠占捕获小兽69 .67 % 、褐家鼠占10 .00 % ,居民区褐家鼠占64 .33 % 、黑线姬鼠占6 .93 % ;野外黑线姬鼠密度3 .75 % 、褐家鼠0 .54 % ,居民区褐家鼠5.03 % 、黑线姬鼠0 .54 % ;野外黑线姬鼠带病毒率6 .52 % 、抗体阳性率8 .83 % ,褐家鼠带病毒率2 .44% 、抗体阳性率22 .22 % ;居民区褐家鼠带病毒率2 .89% 、抗体阳性率7 ?
Objective To confirm that there were no pandemic diseases after natural disaster,it was necessary to understand the epidemic situation of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever(EHF) in the disastrous areas. Methods The pestilence of human and host animals of 40 surveillance spots in 8 provinces(municipality) of the disastrous areas were studied in 1998-1999, leading to the countermeasure of prevention and controlment. Results It was revealed that the population incidence of the 35 surveillance spots in 1997 was 16.75/100,000 while was 16.30/100,000 in the year of disaster in 1998. Pestilence of EHF was basically stable in the year disaster occured.The population incidence of the surveillance spots in the first quarter in 1999 deduced 1.7 fold, comparing to the same period in 1998.Clinical diagnoses of those cases were verified by serological test, with an conformity rate of 73.03 %. The latent infection rate among health population was 5.65 %. Among all the captured small pests in the surveillance spots of the disaster areas, Apodemus agrarius taking up 69.67 %, Rattus norvegicus 10.00 %, comparing with the residential areas, 6.93 % and 64.33 % respectively. For rat density, Apodemus agrarius was 3.75 % in the field, Rattus norvegicus was 0.54 %, comparing with the residential areas 0.54 % in Apodemus agrarius, 5.03 % in Rattus norvegicus . As for the rate of carryingvirus the fields, Apodemusagrarius was 6.52 % and Rattus norvegicus was 2.44 %. As for positive rates of antibodies, Apodemus agrariuswas was 8.83% and Rattus norvegicus was 22.22%, comparing with the residential areas, 7.54% and 8.89% respectively. The mouse index carrying virus of various small pests in surveillance spots was as high as 0.14. Conclusion Results showed the surveillance spots were under high risk of infection and great hidden trouble. It is necessary to provide supervision and control continuosly.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology