[目的]分析2001-2009年郴州市肺结核发病情况,为进一步做好该市结核病控制工作提供科学依据。[方法]对该市2001-2009年结核病控制报表及相关资料进行整理和统计分析。[结果]2001-2009年共接诊可疑病人109 090例,平均就诊率为269.81/10万,由2001年的187.64/10万上升至2009年的315.93/10万;共发现涂阳病人18 695例,涂阳病人登记率平均为46.24/10万;2001-2009年共治愈涂阳病人17 100例,涂阳病人治愈率平均为91.47%。涂阳病人中转诊所占百分率逐年上升,各年度间比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。[结论]郴州市通过实施《规划》实现了高发现率和高治愈率的目标,各项主要指标达到《规划》要求,但对肺结核病人的耐药性问题必须引起高度重视。
[Objective] To analyze the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis(TB) in Chenzhou city,2001-2009,so as to provide the scientific basis for promoting TB control.[Methods]The report forms and relevant data of TB control in 2001-2009 were arranged and statistically analyzed.[Results]In 2001-2009,109 090 suspected TB cases were received in clinical consultation,the average doctors' office visiting rate of suspected TB cases was 269.81/105,and it went up from 187.64/105 in 2001 to 315.93/105 in 2009.18 695 smear positive TB patients were found,and the average registration rate of smear positive TB patients was 46.24/105.17 100 smear positive TB patients were cured altogether,and the average cure rate of smear positive TB patients was 91.47%.The proportion of cases from referral in all the smear positive TB patients increased year by year,and the annual difference was statistically significant(P0.01).[Conclusion]Through implementation of the TB Control Planning in Chenzhou city,the goals of high case finding rate and high cure rate has been achieved,and the main indexes have reached the Planning requirements.However,it is important to put more emphasis on the control of drug resistant TB patients.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Control planning