目的 探讨沙漠干热负重应激行军人体GSH 和SOD 作用机制。方法 对74 名15 kg 负重在沙漠干热环境以不同速度和时间行军战士和对照人群血浆的变化进行了研究。结果 15 kg 负重,3-5km/h 和5 km/h 行军者GSH 在应激的最初1 小时内迅速上升,约1 小时达到高峰,之后迅速下降;随着行军速度的增加,机体抗氧化作用所消耗的SOD 量增加,血浆SOD 浓度亦随之下降。结论 从行军时间来看,在应激的最初1 小时内,因应激诱导的GSH 的合成和SOD 的量增加,故沙漠干热环境负荷应激行军以15 kg、3-5 km/h 为宜。
Objective To explore the mechanism of glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) changes induced by marching with 15 kg loading in dry heat desert.Methods The changes of GSH and SOD in plasma of 74 soldiers, including 60 soldiers marching with 15 kg loading at different speed for different time and 14 controls were determined.Results The synthesis and consumption of GSH increased rapidly within the first hour, then dropped rapidly. With the speed increaes, the consumption of SOD involved in anti lipid peroxidation increased, and the concentration of SOD in plasma decreased rapidly.Conclusion The activation and consumption of GSH and SOD in dry heat desert stress reached the top in the first 2 h. It suggested that marching at 3 5 km/h with 15 kg in dry heat desert would be optimal.
China Occupational Medicine