目的 评估13 C尿素呼气试验检测小儿幽门螺杆菌(Hp) 感染的可靠性。方法 37 例具有上消化道症状的患儿行内镜检查,胃窦部粘膜活检,经快速尿素酶试验,组织学或Hp 培养,以决定是否感染Hp,并作13 C尿素呼气试验。13 C尿素呼气试验的敏感性、特异性、阳性预计值、阴性预计值是与内镜检测Hp 的结果比较计算得到的。结果 13 C尿素呼气试验的敏感性为100% ,特异性为96 % ,阳性预测值为93% ,阴性预测值为100 % ,准确率为97% 。结论 13 C尿素呼气试验有高度敏感性和特异性,对测定小儿Hp 感染是一种可靠的非侵入性的诊断方法。
Objective To assess the reliability of 13 C urea breath test ( 13 C UBT) in detection of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infections in children Methods Gastroscopy, rapid urease test (RUT), Warthin Starry stain (W S stain), bacterial cultureas well as 13 C UBT were performed in 37 children with alimentary symptoms Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) of 13 C UBT were calculated against gastroscopy Results The senstivity, spcificity, PPV and NPV were 100%, 96%, 93% and 100%, respectively Conclusion Non invasive 13 C UBT is highly sensitive, specific, and reliable method for detection of Hp infections in children
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics