黄河入海地区,地势复杂,沟渠纵横,沼泽遍布。每到夏秋季节蚊虫孽生猖獗,对人、畜危害骚扰十分严重。为给防制蚊媒传染病提供科学依据,于1992年以来,我们对黄河入海地区的蚊虫种类及蚊群组成等进行了调查,情况如下。1 调查方法1.1 在黄河入海地区选垦利县城、新安农场和大孤岛为调查点。1.2 取人诱法进行调查。
The species of mosquito in the area of the yellow River entering the sea was made out by the investigation. It is abaut 10 kinds of 4 genuses was found. The main kind is Pipens pallens Cognjilell(79. 6%). The activity law of this kind mosquito is the same as other report. That is to say,they can fly to bite at any time in the night if the climate conditions are suitable. It also shows to peaks of the activity. The density of the mosquito in the area is very high.
Journal of Medical Pest Control