
分析延期和过期妊娠引产120例的药物应用及效果 被引量:3

Analysis of extension and 120 cases of labor induction in prolonged pregnacy and effect of drug application
摘要 目的探讨用于延期和过期妊娠引产药物的临床应用及效果。方法将笔者所在医院2008年6月~2010年6月随机选取的120例足月单胎的初产孕妇作为试验组,阴道内使用欣普贝生栓剂一枚10mg,随机选取240例相同临床特征的初产孕妇分为两组(每组120例)作为对照。其中对照1组静脉推注硫酸普拉酮钠(DHA-S),对照2组静脉点滴小剂量催产素,比较三组孕妇的促宫颈成熟效果、分娩情况以及对孕妇和新生儿的影响。结果试验组用药后6、12h宫颈Bishop评分明显高于对照1组及对照2组(P<0.01)。试验组12h宫颈成熟总有效率91.7,明显高于对照1组35和对照2组36.7(P<0.01);试验组24h临产率83.3明显高于对照1组6.6和对照2组8.3(P<0.01);总产程及三个产程时间差异均无显著性(P>0.05);产后出血量三组差异无显著性(P>0.05);三组新生儿结局差异无显著性(P>0.05)。宫缩过度刺激为主要副作用,但取出后迅速好转。结论欣普贝生是一种常用的促宫颈成熟药物,其在用于延期和过期妊娠引产中较省时、有效、安全,能降低剖宫产的概率,值得临床的推广应用。 Objective To explore a ociation for extension and expired pregnancy the clinical application and effect of drugs.Methods Will be our hospital from June 2008 to June 2010 120 cases of full randomly selected single tire of pregnant women as the experimental group,early inside vagina Pubeisheng suppositories a medal for using hin randomly selected 10 mg 240 patients,the same early clinical features of pregnant women in each group into two groups(120 cases of) as a comparison.Group 1 vein of tyre comparison oprah sulfate sodium(testosterone to note DHA-S),contrast two groups vein bit small doses of oxytocin,comparing the three groups of pregnant women promote cervical mature effect,delivery situation and the influence of pregnant women and babies.Results After experimental drugs 6h,Bishop score significantly higher 12 h cervical controlled 1 group and contrast the two groups(P0.01).Total effective 12 h cervical mature 91.7%,significantly higher than control group 1 35% and contrast two groups 36.7%,(P0.01);The birth rate(9) 24 h significantly higher than control group 1(6.6 percent) and contrast the two groups 8.3%(P0.01);Total labor and three labor time there are no significant difference(P0.05);Postpartum the bleeding three groups non-significance difference(P0.05);Three groups of neonatal outcome no statistically significant difference(P0.05).Contractions excessive stimulation for major side effects,but take out immediately after the better.Conclusion Pubeisheng is a commonly used drugs,promote cervical mature in the delays and expired for more time saving,and pregnancy induced labor effective,safe,can reduce risk of cesarean section,the popularization and application of the worth of clinic.
作者 刘琳
机构地区 湖南省地矿医院
出处 《中外医学研究》 2011年第16期5-7,共3页 CHINESE AND FOREIGN MEDICAL RESEARCH
关键词 延期 过期妊娠 效果 Extension Expired pregnancy Effect
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