观察异丙酚复合芬太尼维持麻醉对脑代谢的影响。方法: 择期手术病人8 例, 芬太尼、硫贲妥钠、维库溴铵诱导插管, 静脉联接Graseby 微泵异丙酚8 mg/ (kg·h) , 芬太尼1 μg/ (kg·h)维持麻醉。连续监测MAP、心电图、脉搏氧饱和度和呼气末二氧化碳分压, 同步采集动脉血和颈内静脉血作血气分析, 计算动- 静脉氧含量差(Da - vO2) 和脑氧摄取率(ERO2) 。结果: 异丙酚麻醉维持平稳, Da - vO2 和ERO2 在给药30 min 、60 min 较气管插管后5 min 无明显改变, 有平均动脉压下降和心动过缓。结论: 异丙酚复合芬太尼维持麻醉可保持脑氧供需平衡稳定。
Objective:To evaluate the influence of propofol fentaynl intravenous anesthesia(IVA) on cerebal metabolism.Methods:The anesethesia was induced by fentaynl thiopentone vecuronium and maintained by propofol fentaynl vecuronium in 8 patients during ordinary surgery.Arterial and venous blood samples were drainaged simultaneously through radial artery and internal jugular catheterization.The cerebal arteriovenous differences of oxygen content (Da-vO 2)were measured,and the extracting rate of oxyen(ERO 2)was calculated.Results:There were no significant differences in Da-vO 2 and ERO 2 between the incubation after 5 min and in 30,60 min after anesthesia maintained with propofol fentaynl.Conclusion:IVA with propofol fentaynl can keep the balance of cerebal oxygen.
Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry
Propofol Fentaynl Intravenous anesthesia Cerebral metabolismmg) into a glass bottle with an inside diameter of 12 cm and containing 3 L of bacteria\|containing distilled water through insertion of a tube with multihole nozzle to botto