
从维护公平贸易到变相贸易保护--世界反倾销的兴起与发展 被引量:3

Origin and Development of Anti-dumping: a Global Perspective
摘要 反倾销是近年来国际贸易争端的焦点问题。反倾销政策的起源在于维护国际贸易的公平,但是自20世纪80年代以来,反倾销越来越多地被运用于贸易保护。在某种意义上,反倾销补充、部分替代了以前关税在贸易保护中发挥的作用。大量的发展中国家逐步采取了主动的反倾销策略。冶金、化工、塑料等行业是被反倾销最多的行业。 Nowadays anti-dumping has been a main issue of dispute in international trade. Against its initial purpose of safeguarding a fair trade about 100 years ago, it has been increasingly used as a tool of trade protection since the 1980s. To some extent, anti-dumping measures have partly replaced the role of tariff in trade protection. A large number of developing countries have voluntarily adopted anti-dumping measures since 1980s, which are most popular in such industries as metallurgy, chemical and plastics manufacturing, while China has been the biggest victim of such policies.
作者 李清亮 海闻
出处 《国际经济评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期66-73,4,共8页 International Economic Review
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  • 1WTO反倾销数据库,http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/adp_e/adpe.htm.
  • 2Finger J. Michael,"The Origin and Evolution of Antidumping Regulation", in Antidumping: How it Works and Who Gets Hurts? Edited by J. Michael Finger, 1993.
  • 3Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, pp. 14-15.
  • 4Blonigen Bruce A. and Thomas J. Prusa,"Antidumping", Working Paper 8398, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, 2001.
  • 5Irwin D.A. , "The Rise of US Antidumping Activity in Historical Perspective",The World Economy, 28,2005, pp. 651-668.
  • 6Prusa J. Thomas, "Anti-dumping: A Growing Problem in International Trade", World Economy, Volume 28 Issue 5,2005, pp. 683-700.
  • 7Blonigen Bruce A. and Thomas J. Prusa,"Antidumping",Working Paper 8398, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, 2001.
  • 8Irwin D.A., "The Rise of US Antidumping Activity in Historical Perspective", The World Economy, 28,2005,pp. 651-668.
  • 9Anderson Simon P., and Nicolas Schmitt,"Nontariff Barriers and Trade Liberalization", CESifo Working Paper Series, No. 254, 2000.
  • 10Feinberg Robert M. and Kara M, Olson, "Tariff Liberalization and Increased Administrative Protection: Is there a Quid Pro Ouo?",Working Paper, Eeon WPA International Trade 0501001,2005.










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