
刚柔耦合状态下索杆式伸展臂多体动力学研究 被引量:2

Multi-body Dynamic Simulation of the Cable-strut Deployable Articulated Mast Under the Rigid-flex Coupling State
摘要 索杆式伸展臂在展开过程中,其斜拉索存在大运动和大变形问题,运用传统分析方法进行仿真分析难度较大。文章基于非线性弹性理论的绝对节点坐标方法,描述了斜拉索的空间运动和变形,研究了横向框架在贮存段、消旋段、提升段和套筒外的动力学特性,实现了索-刚体组成耦合系统的多体动力学数值仿真。 Under the rigid-flex coupling state,the dynamic simulation for the deployable process of the cable-strut deployable articulated mast is carried out.Because large motion and large deformation occur in the oblique-drag cables of the mast,it is difficult to simulate the deploying process of the mast by employing the traditional analysis method.The paper adopts the absolute nodal coordinate formulation based on the non-linear elastic theory to describe the space motion and deformation of oblique-drag cables,analyzes the dynamic characters of transverse frame in storage segment,despin segemnt,driving segment and out of sleeve,and achieves the multi-dynamic simulation of the coupling system composed of cables and rigid bodies.
出处 《航天器工程》 2011年第3期70-74,共5页 Spacecraft Engineering
关键词 航天器 索杆式伸展臂 大变形索梁单元 刚柔耦合 数值仿真 spacecraft cable-strut deployable articulated mast cable unit with large deformation rigid-flex coupling numerical simulation
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