目的 确定肝管的行程,为显露肝左管及肝方叶切除提供应用解剖学基础。方法 本文对64例成人肝标本中肝左管的长度及毗邻关系进行测量。结果 肝左管位于肝方叶后1/3范围,相当于肝门左半内横行或斜行。其起始部大多贴近肝圆韧带裂,占84.37×10^(-2);其余向右偏离该裂一段距离,距肝方叶脏面0.83士0.52cm(0.~1.6).距肝方叶后面0.39±0.29cm(0~0.1)。结论 肝左管位于肝方叶的后1/3,较恒定,是肝左管行程定位的基础,可作为手术显露肝左管及肝方叶切除的参考。
Objective Drainage in duodenum in a main measure for the settlement of stricture of bile duct in liver. The operation can show hepatic duct and ectomy of square-like part of liver by many ways, and afford base for applied anatomy. Methods 64 cases of liver samples of adults were surveyed for the length of left hepatic duct and contiguous relation. Results The left hepatic duct was located in the last 1/3 of the square-like part of liver, in other words, crossed or tilted in the left-half of liver-door. The beginning of left hepatic duct was mostly close to the ligament crack of liver, which occupied 84. 37×10-2; the rest of which deviated from the crack for a little distance, which was 0. 83±0. 52cm(0-1. 6) from the surface of the square-like part of liver and 0. 39±0. 29 (0-0. 1) from the rear of the square-like part of liver. Conclusion The left hepatic duct was located in the last 1/ 3 of the square-lide part of liver and it was constant, which was the base of location of route of left hepatic duct.According to that, drainage can be done in clinical practive. The operation showed the hepatic duct and ectomy of square-like part of liver. The article can offer you a reference. And no correlative trend between the width of base of square-like part of liver and the trend & length of left hepatic duct has been found yet.