
管内液体压力对液压冲孔的影响 被引量:4

Influence of hydro-pressure inside tube on hydropiercing
摘要 设计加工了管材液压冲孔试验装置,在该装置上开展了液压冲孔工艺试验。试验结果表明:液压冲孔过程中,管内液体压力越大,冲孔结束后塌陷尺寸越小,提高冲孔过程中管内液体压力,能够有效减小冲孔后的塌陷尺寸;冲孔过程中管内液体压力越大,冲孔结束后断口光亮带所占比例越高,断口质量越好;冲孔结束后的塌陷发生在一定区域内,长度对塌陷发展具有一定限制作用,长度越长,塌陷深度变化越慢,塌陷影响区域越大。 An experiment instrument of hydropiercing was designed and manufactured.At the same time,the technology experiment was conducted successfully.The experimental result shows that collapse decreases with the increasing of pressure in the tube during hydropiercing process.A higher pressure is very useful for hydropiercing and it can reduce the size of collapse and improve the quality of cross-section.With higher pressure during the piercing process,a better quality cross-section can be got.In addition,the collapse only happens in a given area,and the length of material will also impact the collapse tendency.When the tube length changes in some range,the collapse will change slowly with the increasing of the tube length.
出处 《锻压技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期19-22,共4页 Forging & Stamping Technology
关键词 管材 液压成形 液压冲孔 tube hydroforming hydropiercing
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