
服务提供商的信任对跨国公司外包合作的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Trust from Service Providers on Multinational Corporations Outsourcing Cooperation
摘要 文章以跨国公司全球价值链重构下的国际服务外包为背景,从发包方的角度出发,针对212家在中国的国际服务外包企业有效问卷的调查数据,探究国际服务外包过程中,来自服务提供商的不同信任对于跨国公司外包合作的影响及其交互效应。实证结果表明,提供商的计算信任、能力信任和善意信任对于跨国公司的外包合作有显著的促进作用;在对于跨国公司外包合作的促进作用中,服务提供商的能力信任与善意信任之间、计算信任与善意信任之间均有显著的相互促进关系;而服务提供商的计算信任与能力信任之间有显著的替代性关系。研究结论对于我国国际服务接包企业与跨国公司建立和发展信任的外包合作伙伴关系,提升其在国际服务接包市场上的竞争优势有重要启示。 Under multinational corporations restructuring their value chain, based on the client view, questionnaires were used to study the effects of trust from service providers on multinational corporations outsourcing cooperation. Our re- suits showed that Calculus - based trust, Competence - based trust and Benevolence - based trust were positively correla- ted with cooperation from multinational corporations; there is an existence of complementarities between Competence - based trust and Benevolence - based trust, as well as between Calculus - based trust and Benevolence - based trust; an existence of substitutions between Competence - based trust and Calculus - based trust. The results give some important administration meanings for our international service providers to establish a trust outsourcing partnership with the multina- tional enterprises, and further to improve their competition advantages in international service outsourcing market.
出处 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期101-108,共8页 Research on Economics and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“中国企业承接跨国公司服务外包研究:基于合法性视角”(70972042) 上海市社科基金项目“上海企业承接国际服务外包研究”
关键词 国际服务外包 计算信任 能力信任 善意信任 合作 International Service Outsourcing Calculus - Based Trust Competence - based Trust Benevolence -based Trust Cooperation
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