
覆冰舞动对导线及绝缘子串力学特性的影响 被引量:10

Influence of Galloping on Mechanical Performance of Conductor and Insulator String
摘要 基于舞动引起的导线长度变化,笔者计算了舞动引起的导线张力变化,分析了舞动幅值、半波数及线路档距等参数对张力变化量的影响,并在此基础上分析了舞动对悬垂绝缘子串偏摆的影响。结果表明:导线水平张力、悬挂点竖向张力分量变化量都随着舞动幅值增加、档距缩短、弧垂增加而增大;单个半波的舞动导致的导线张力变化范围最大,最易造成导线损伤;舞动半波数的奇偶性对张力变化百分比有较大影响;严重舞动引起的绝缘子串偏摆大大减少了导线与横担之间的空气间隙距离。 Based on the length variation as a result of galloping, in this paper, the varying tensile force of conductors was calculated, and the influences of galloping amplitude, number of loops, span and sag on varying tensile force were analyzed. The results show that both the horizontal tension and the vertical component of the axial tension at the suspension point increase with the increase of the galloping amplitude, the decrease of span, and the increase of the sag. The one-loop galloping can lead to the most extensive variation range. The parity of the number of loops has great influence on the relative variation ratio. The deflection of insulator sting as a result of severe conductor galloping may greatly decrease clearance distance between the conductors and cross arm.
作者 王少华
出处 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期23-28,共6页 High Voltage Apparatus
关键词 覆冰 舞动 导线 力学特性 icing galloping conductor mechanical performance
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