

Comparison of the pathogenicity of different pathways of canine parvovirus infection
摘要 目的用CPV-SY1株犬细小病毒细胞培养物通过不同途径感染宠物犬,评估最佳的感染方式。方法通过口服、滴鼻点眼、肌肉注射、皮下注射4种方式感染犬,观察或检测攻毒后动物的临床症状、血液白细胞数、排毒情况及病理变化。结果犬感染CPV后,口服组表现出典型犬细小病毒病症状,第2 d出现高热,并检测到排毒,第5 d白细胞数减少。口服组、滴鼻点眼组、肌肉注射组、皮下注射组发病率分别为100%、75%、50%和25%。差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论犬细小病毒感染动物以口服途径较好。 Objective To compare pathways of canine parvovirus infection,experimentally inoculated young puppies with CPV-SY1.Methods Four methods,i.e.oral inoculation,eyedrop inoculation,intramuscular injection,and hypodermic injection,were used to inoculate animals and their clinical symptoms,blood cell counts,viral elimination,and pathological changes were studied.Results After infection,orally inoculated dogs displayed typical clinical symptoms.A fever was observed and the virus was eliminated in feces on day 2;the blood cell count decreased on day 5.Morbidity in the orally inoculated group was higher than in the groups given eyedrop inoculation,intramuscular injection,or hypodermic injection,and the difference in morbidity was statistically significant(P〈0.05).Conclusion Oral inoculation is the best pathway of canine parvovirus infection.
出处 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 2011年第5期321-323,330,F0002,共5页 Journal of Pathogen Biology
基金 国家科技支撑计划“防治畜禽病毒病中兽药的研制与开发”(No.2008BADB4B03-1) 军队医药卫生科研基金项目“军犬重要疫病联合重组活疫苗研究”(No.06G138)
关键词 犬细小病毒 致病性 感染途径 Canine parvovirus pathogenicity pathways of infection
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