
企业影响政府/行业的能力与新产品绩效关系研究 被引量:11

A study of the relationship between firm's capabilities and new product performance
摘要 转型时期的中国,高度不确定的环境往往是因为政府政策和干预行为的连续变化以及高度的行业竞争带来的。基于动态能力的资源观点,企业影响政府的能力和影响行业的能力是企业适应外部环境的动态能力之一,这两种能力可以降低政治环境和市场环境的不确定性,从而提高新产品开发绩效;并且政府干预对两种能力与新产品绩效的关系具有一定的调节作用。应用分层多元回归模型,对陕西省178家企业的问卷调研数据进行分析。研究结果表明,这两种能力对新产品绩效都有积极的促进作用,且两者的交互也将促进新产品绩效;政府干预对两种能力与新产品绩效关系的调节是倒U型的,即适量的政府干预可以促进两种能力与绩效之间的积极关系,而当干预过多,则降低了企业的柔性,削弱了企业对环境的敏感度,从而对两种能力与新产品绩效之间的积极关系产生消极作用。 From resource based dynamic capability perspective,this study argues that in emerging countries such as China,firm's capabilities to influence government and industry are also firm's dynamic ability.The two types of capabilities both could reduce the uncertainty from the government environment and market environment,thereby improving new product performance(NPP).Moreover,government intervention(GI) could moderate the relationship between the two types of capabilities and new product performance.The model is empirically tested using data collected from 296 firms in shaanxi using optimal scaling and multiple regression.The results suggest that the two capabilities and their interaction both improve the performance of new product development.GI moderates the inverse U-shaped relationship between the two capabilities and NPP.When GI is low,it could positively moderate the relationship between the two types of capability and NPP.But when there is too much GI,firm's influence capabilities would constrain the flexibility and thereby hamper NPP.
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期906-913,共8页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71072133) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(09JZD0030)
关键词 动态能力 企业影响政府 影响行业能力 政府干预 新产品开发绩效 dynamic capability firm's capability to influence policy(IGC) firm's capability to influence industry(IIC) government intervention(GI) new product performance(NPP)
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