
企业动态能力形成路径研究——基于创新要素及创新层次迁移视角的案例研究 被引量:26

On formative path of dynamic capabilities: case study from the perspective of innovative components and levels shifting
摘要 动态能力是企业可持续竞争优势的根本来源。基于现代演化观,认为创新是企业通过创造内部变异以补偿外部变异所致风险的组织行为,是推动动态能力形成的内部驱动力。基于文献述评,构建了企业创新活动中心所居要素以及创新活动所处层次的二维研究框架。采用案例研究的方法,观察企业创新活动中心的转移对于动态能力形成过程的影响,探索企业动态能力的形成路径及其特征。研究发现:创新活动中心的转移推动了动态能力的发展,并决定了动态能力发展周期内非均衡特点;动态能力发展的非均衡性所产生的价值潜力是动态能力演化的内生驱动因素。 Dynamic capabilities are the key source of sustainable competitive advantage in turbulent environment.From the perspective of modern evolutionary theory,this paper suggests that innovation can be the compensation of risks stemming from changing environment and be the inner driver of dynamic capabilities.Based on literature review,a framework is given,which is composed of two dimensions,namely,innovation component and innovation level.Through case study,the impact of transformation of innovation across components and levels on the formative process of dynamic capabilities is observed and the formative path of dynamic capabilities is explored.Then some findings got:(1)with innovation transforming across components and levels,dynamic capabilities' development presents such characteristics as cyclical and asymmetric.(2) the asymmetry which may produce potential value becomes the endogenous factor to drive the process of dynamic capabilities development.
作者 张军 金露
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期939-948,共10页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(07&ZD022)
关键词 动态能力 形成路径 要素创新 架构创新 案例研究 dynamic capabilities formative path component innovation architectural innovation case study
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