
论中国禅宗思想对加里·斯奈德的“地方”思想的影响 被引量:4

On Gary Snyder's Ecological Thinking of "Place" Under the Influence of Zen
摘要 加里.斯奈德(Gary Snyder,1930-)是至今仍活跃在美国诗坛和环保界的重要诗人和环境保护社会活动家。在当今欧美生态批评领域向文化批评拓展和对"地方"(place)的重视中,斯奈德的生态思想体现了这两种转变。本研究认为,"地方"不仅体现了斯奈德对人与自然关系、自然与文化关系探索的具体化,而且还承载着他立足多元文化的生态智慧的基础上对人与自然关系的创造性思考以及对以"地方"为核心的新型文化范式的创建,即把斯奈德对这些问题的探索总称为"地方"思想。本文通过论述中国禅宗思想对斯奈德的"地方"思想的影响及其表现,体现了加里.斯奈德对人凭借身体在地方生存的阐释,以及人与地方万物在地方实现主体价值中的具有禅宗韵味的思考。 Gary Snyder(1930-) is one of the leading poets and environmentalists in contemporary America.A survey of Snyder's scholarship shows a common tendency which focuses on Snyder's devotion to the exploration of man-nature relationship.Few critics found that Snyder made his ecological exploration from human beings' life "in place" by studying how they live in place,their relation with the place,the proper ways to make a living "in place".This research focuses on Snyder's construction of the sense of place under the influence of the Chinese culture in a cross-cultural context.This thesis mainly discusses how Snyder creatively explores the following question under the influence of Buddhism,to be specific,Zen:how humanity and every other thing of the rest of nature live in their proper places and realize their subjectivity of existence by their body.Snyder's answers to the question help him form his Chinese way of place-making,that is,everything including humanity and the rest of nature is in place.
作者 宁梅
出处 《教育文化论坛》 2011年第3期56-61,共6页 Tribune of Education Culture
基金 贵州省教育厅高校人文社会科学研究项目(编号:09SSD019)
关键词 身体 地方 主体性生存 平常心是道 body place subjectivity of existence authentic living
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