目的了解义乌地区各年龄段与不同生殖道疾病女性感染人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)基因类型分布,为义乌地区HPV分子流行病学研究提供依据。方法利用PCR-反向点杂交法分别对2008年1月-2010年6月来医院就诊的304例可疑患者进行23种HPV基因亚型检测,包括18种高危亚型(HPV 16、18、31、33、35、39、45、51、52、53、56、58、59、66、68、73、83、MM4)和5种低危亚型(HPV6、11、42、43、44)。结果 HPV检出率为15.8%,其中高、低危型检出率分别为15.1%与4.3%,高危型中主要为HPV16、58、18、33感染,低危型主要为HPV6、11感染;不同生殖道疾病与正常对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论 HPV16、58、18、33、11、6是该地区HPV感染的主要型别,20~40岁为女性感染的高峰人群,对HPV阳性者进行定期的跟踪,是防治宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)与宫颈癌的有效途径。
OBJECTIVE To understand the distribution pattern of HPV genotypes associated with different age groups and different genital lesions in infected women in Yiwu.METHODS Cervical epithelium samples were obtained from 304 patients(with genital lesions) suspicious of contracting HPV infection,and the reverse dot blot hybridization technique was employed for HPV genotyping,including 18 high risk subtypes: HPV 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,53,56,58,59,66,68,73,83 and MM4 and 5 low risk subtypes: HPV 6,11,42,43 and 44).RESULTS Among the 304 patients,HPV was detected out in 48 patients(15.1%),of which 46 were of high risk subtypes(HPV16,58,18 and 33)(15.1%) and 13 were of low risk subtypes(HPV11,6)(4.3%) with seven cases of double infection.The infection rates of condyloma acuminatum,cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN) and normal women had significant differences in three groups(P〈0.05).CONCLUSION The most prevalent HPV genotypes in this area are HPV16,58,18,33,11 and 6 with peak infected age of 20~40 in the examined population.A periodic track to the HPV positive patients is effective for preventing CIN and cervical cancer.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology