
基于蚁群-遗传算法的贴片机喂料器分配优化研究 被引量:7

Research of feeder allocation of surface mounting machine based on antcolony algorithm and genetic algorithm
摘要 针对在元器件贴装顺序已知的前提下研究拱架式贴片机的喂料器在喂料槽上分配优化的问题,给出了以贴片头在喂料槽移动距离最小化为优化目标的喂料器分配优化模型.利用蚁群算法与遗传算法的混合算法实现对贴片机的喂料槽分配问题进行求解,将蚂蚁搜索的结果进行迭代交换、交叉和变异.为了验证算法有效性,以20块实际生产的PCB为实例进行了测试.与遗传算法相比,所提出算法的平均效率提高了4.48%. The feeder allocation opitimization of the surface mounting machine is considered under the condition that the components mounting sequence of known. A mathematical model is presented with the objective is minimizing the distance of the header along with the feeder slot. A new hybrid algorithm of ant-colony algorithm and genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the problem, and the interated swap procedure, the crossover operator and mutation operator of genetic algorithm are applied to the results of ant colony algorithm. To verify the efficiency of the algorithm, experimens on 20 PCBs instances are executed, and the results show the algorithm can make an improvement 4.48 % on the single genetic algorithm.
出处 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期929-932,939,共5页 Control and Decision
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60835001 60804053) 教育部博士点基金项目(200805611065)
关键词 喂料器分配 蚁群算法 遗传算法 迭代交换 feeder allocation ant-colony algorithm genetic algorithm iterated swap
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