目的 通过 Bcl2 和 P53 蛋白在胃肠道粘膜相关淋巴组织( M A L T) 淋巴瘤中的表达,探讨它们与肿瘤恶性程度及预后的关系。方法 收集我院1990 年1 月到1997 年12 月胃肠道 M A L T淋巴瘤24 例,行常规 H E 和 L S A B 法免疫组化染色, D A B 染色,苏木素复染。结果 24 例均为 B 细胞型 M A L T 淋巴瘤,属低度恶性16 例( 占66 .7 % ) ,高度恶性8 例( 占33 .3 % ) 。 Bcl2 表达阴性16例,阳性8 例。 P53 蛋白表达呈阴性和阳性者各12 例。 Bcl2 在低度和高度恶性 M A L T 淋巴瘤中的表达及在不同预后患者中的表达均有差异。 P53 则均无差异。结论 Bcl2 对判断胃肠道 M A L T 淋巴瘤的恶性程度和预测预后均有帮助。 P53 表达与胃肠道 M A L T 淋巴瘤的恶性程度和是否伴有淋巴转移均无关。
Objective To investigate therelationship of Bcl 2 and P53 expressions to the histologicalgrading and prognosis in patients with gastrointestinal M A L Tlym phoma . Methods 24 cases with gas trointestinal M A L Tlym phom a from 1990 to 1997 in our hospital were studied with H Eand im m unohisto chemicalstaining . Results All cases were B cell M A L Tly mpho mas. Among them 16 cases were of high grade ,8 low grade . Bcl 2 expression was positive in 16 and negative in 8 . P53 expression was positive andnegativein 12 cases each . The Bcl 2 expression varied in M A L Tly mpho ma patients with high and lowgrade maligancy ,the prognosis was also different ,but no difference was found in P53 expression . Conclusion Bcl 2 is usefulin determining the malignant grading of gastrointestinal M A L Tly m pho ma and in predict ing the prognosis while P53 is not .( Shanghai Med J,1999 ,22 :469 471)
Shanghai Medical Journal