以 EA 花环和 YC 花环法检测了猴头菌多糖(HEPS)对小鼠巨噬细胞(M)的Fc 受体和 C_3b 受体的影响,HEPS 在体内和体外均能使正常 M的 EA 和 YC 花环数显著增加;亦能减弱氢化可的松对 M两种受体的抑制作用。应用血红蛋白酶释放法测定了 HEPS对小鼠 M介导的抗体依赖性细胞毒(MMADCC)的作用,M被激活时,HEPS 抑制其MMADCC 活性,被抑制时可提高其活性,HEPS 对正常 MMADCC 无明显作用。
By using EA-rosette and YC-rosette assay,the effect of Hericium erina- ceus polysaccharide (HEPS) on the Fc receptors (FcR) and C3b receptors (C3bR) of peritoneal macrophages was measured.It has shown hydrocortisone (HC) had a significant suppressive action on FcR and C3bR of normal macro- phages in vitro.The FcR and C3bR functions of HEPS activated macrophages were greatly stimulated as compared with that of the control in vivo and vitro.Under the action of HC,the percentage of EA-rosette and YC-rosette of HEPS activated macrophages were much higher than that of unactivated ones in vitro,it could be concluded that the receptors' function of HEPS act- ivated macrophages could antagonize the suppressive efffect of HC. It was detected that HEPS acted on Macrophage-Mediated Antibody-Dep- endent Cellular Cytotoxicity (MMADCC) using hemoglobin enzyme release assay.It was found HEPS had no effect on normal macrophage mediated ADCC,it could antagonize the HC's suppressive action on MMADCC,it showed a significant decrease in MMADCC activated by 6% starch beef media in vitro.In vivo,HEPS (2mg×7days/per mouse) could suppress MMADCC.It is suggested HEPS could modulate MMADCC.
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)
Hericium erinaceus
Macrophage-Mediated Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity
Fc receptor
C3b receptor