The basic principles of vision sensing and image processing are summarized,and then their application and future development in welding engineerng are discussed in this paper. Key words:vision sensor;image processing;beam forming;beam tracking;weld robot悖? This paper was based on the function and effect of Internet,combined the development of Internet in China and described the application and prospect of Internet to environmental protection in China. Key words:Internet,Environmental protection,Environmental protection website.PPAGESS Discuss on the Characteristic of Taking Action for Not Subjecting to the Result of Environmental Dispute by Administrative Handling$$$$ Liu Minghua (Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau Economic Technological Development Zone office,Chongqing 400060)$$$$Abstract For the different way of the result of handling,it would cause environment protecting unit become the defendant as the party go to law when the basic unit of environment protecting handles the dispute caused by environmental pollution.It should combine with the specific result of handling for the dispute of environmental pollution to analyze whether the unit should be the defendant.
Electric Welding Machine