

A study of Fuji Intelligent Chromo Endoscopy and ultrasonic endoscope in the diagnosis of precancerous lesion and early carcinoma of colon
摘要 目的探讨内镜智能分光比色技术(FICE)联合超声内镜诊断大肠病变的价值。方法 667例患者进行常规内镜检查,其中94例入选。分别采用常规放大技术、FICE放大技术对病变进行腺管开口分型及微血管形态观察,超声内镜判定病变浸润深度,并与病理学诊断相比较。结果在94例病人中发现FICE放大模式下发现新生性病变172个,常规放大内镜下漏诊17个。FICE放大内镜对大肠肿瘤性及非肿瘤性判断符合率分别为93.8%、91.3%,高于常规放大内镜88.4%、75.6%(P<0.05)。结论 FICE放大内镜对大肠肿瘤性及非肿瘤性病变诊断的符合率高于普通放大内镜,有利于发现早期癌,可对病变浸润深度进行初步判断。 【Objective】 To investgate the value of Fuji Intelligent Chromo Endoscopy(FICE) and ultrasonic endoscope for the diagnosis of colonrectal neoplasia.【Methods】 667 patients were examined with ordinary colonoscopy.94 patients with colon neoplasm or polypoid lesion were enrolled in this study.The patients were examined with magnifying conventional colonoscopy,magnifying FICE technique and ultrasonic endoscope,the pit pattern and blood capillary form of the lesion were examined,the infiltration depth of the lesion were examined by ultrasonic endoscope.The endoscopic diagnosis was made,and compared with pathologic diagnosis.【Results】 172 neoplasms were detected with FICE technique in the 94 patients,among those 17 lesion were undetected with magnifying conventional endoscopy,The coincident rate of FICE for the diagnosis of tumor and non-tumor lesions were 93.8%、91.3%,which were significant higher than that of chromoendoscopy 88.4%、75.6%(P0.05).【Conclusion】 Magnifying FICE endoscopy had the superiority of high coincident rate in distinguishing neoplastic from non-neoplastic colorectal lesions compared with conventional magnifying colonoscopy.It conduces to find precancerous lesion,and diagnoses preliminary the infiltration depth of the colon lesion.
出处 《中国医学工程》 2011年第4期10-12,共3页 China Medical Engineering
基金 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Y2007C120)
关键词 智能分光比色技术 早期癌 诊断 Fuji Intelligent Chromo Endoscopy early carcinoma diagnosis
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