
光源色温对人体自主神经功能的调控作用 被引量:2

Role of the regulation of lighting color temperature in the autonomic nervous system
摘要 本文对光源色温在调节人体自主神经功能的作用,在体力负荷、脑力负荷、夜间睡眠时光源色温对自主神经的影响,光源色温与其他因素综合作用下的自主神经功能调节,以及全波段人造光源对自主神经调控作用进行了综述。文献综述认为:光源色温在调节人体的自主神经平衡方面起着重要的作用,全频谱光源的运用对人体自主神经的调节,睡眠功能和体力、脑力负荷都是有利的。 In recent years,more and more people use different color temperature and illuminant of lighting in the room.But the research of effect of above on the body is still in study.A lot of studies shows color temperature can effect the activity of autonomic nerve.Heart Rate Variablity(HRV) is related to interaction between sympathetic(SNS) and parasympathetic(PNS) influences at sinoatrial node in the heart.HRV changes in the electrocardiogram and reflects instantaneous heartbeats and R-R intervals,not change of heartbeats regarding time under the record.The significance of studying the effect the lighting on the autonomic nerve system is to provide a new idea and method for selection of comfortable lighting in the room.In this paper we will report the summary of results of researching influence of lighting level on autonomic nervous system in the recent period.
作者 石路
出处 《中国医学工程》 2011年第4期162-164,共3页 China Medical Engineering
关键词 光源色温 自主神经 心率变异性 全波段荧光灯 color temperature of lighting autonomic nervous system Heart Rate Variability(HRV) Full Spectrum fluorescent lamp(FSFL)
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