为观察重组干扰素 α2a(r I F N α2a)对 C I T P患者慢性特发性血小板减少性紫癜( C I T P)患者骨髓巨核祖细胞增殖和成熟的影响,采用血浆凝块法培养33例巨核祖细胞,经 S Z21单克隆抗体和 A B C试剂盒染色后计数其集落,用图象分析仪测定巨核细胞的直径、面积和黑度值,并与25例健康人(对照组)比较。结果: C I T P组患者的巨核祖细胞面积和直径均低于对照组,但集落数正常;r I F N α2a 在体外对患者巨核祖细胞集落生成抑制率明显低于对照组;对患者骨髓涂片,巨核细胞数增高组巨核祖细胞集落抑制率明显低于巨核细胞数正常组。结果表明,r I F N α2a 在体外对 C I T P患者巨核祖细胞增殖的抑制作用较正常对照组弱;用r I F Nα2a 治疗 C I T
The effect of rIFN α 2a on the megakaryocyte colony growth and maturation was observed in 33 patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (CITP) in vitro by plasma clot cultures and by GP Ⅲ a McAb and ABC kit. Twenty five healthy persons were in the control group. The results showed that the number of colony formation units of megakaryocyte in the patients was similar to that in the controls, but the diameter and area levels of megakaryocyte in the patients were lower. The ratio of inhibition of rIFN α 2a on megakkaryocyte progeniftors colony growth was significantly lower in the patients and was lowest in the group with increasing number of megakaryocytes on bone marrow smear. The rIFN α 2a had no effect on promoting the megakaryocyte maturation. Since this study has indicated that the inhibition of rIFN α 2a on colony formation unit of megakaryocyte is slight in CITP, interferon therapy should be a suitable preseription for the CITP patients who have an increasing number of megakaryoctye on bone marrow smear.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
Chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Interferon Megakaryocyte culture