结合院校信息化建设的实践和需求,引入轻量级Java EE架构体系,可以快速构建一个多层的可复用、可扩展、实用的教师考核系统。详细阐述开源框架Struts2、Hibernate、Spring的相关技术,以及如何基于开源框架来简化系统开发的复杂性,提高开发效率,提出了系统的解决方案。并把这种基于S2SH的轻量级Java EE架构,在教师考核系统中得到了实现。
Combined with the practice and needs for the informationization construction in colleges,used the light-weight Java EE framework.The Teacher Examination System could be quickly built whch was reusable and multi-layered,scalable and practical.It was discussed the related technology of Struts2,Hibernate,and Spring,elaborated that how to use the open-source framework to simplify the complex system development,improved the efficiency of systems development proposed solutions.S2SH light-weight Java EE-based framework for assessment in Teacher Examination System was implemented.
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