用于设计串联兼性塘的马雷-肖公式,其基本假定之一是 K 值为常数.但试验表明 K 值不是常数,除与温度有关外,K 是 HRT 的函数.本文据此提出了马雷-肖的修正公式,可作为设计的参考.
The faculative ponds in series is designed with Marais-Shaw equation in which it isone of the basic supposes that k is a constant.But it is shown in the test that k is not a con-stant.It is affected by temperature and is a function of hydraulic retention time(HRT).Ac-cording to the result of the test,the modified Marais-Shaw equation is proposed in thispaper.This equation may be used to design as reference.