对传统的数据库原理课程与时下流行的Oracle数据库应用进行了深入研究,并融入多年的授课经验与Or-acle Academy全球师资培训的先进理念,提出了一个中心、两个辅助、3个层次的课程体系,从整体上把握数据库的系统性、完整性与实用性,真正做到理论联系实际。
This paper researches deeply on traditional database principle course and popular Oracle database.Aiding to integrate database basic principle and oracle practical technology,we propose a center and two assist and three-level curriculum system based on many years teaching experience and advanced education concept of Oracle Academy global training.This curriculum system can overall grasp database from systematic,integrity and availability and assure theory with practice.
Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance