目的通过了解大同市疾病预防控制中心(CDC)艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)服务人群现状,为大同市艾滋病防治措施的制定提供依据。方法对2009-2010年在大同市CDC接受艾滋病VCT服务的人员的人口学状况、求询原因、危险行为等进行统计学分析。结果 2326名求询者99.91%接受了HIV抗体检测,检出阳性1例,HIV感染检出率为0.04%;求询者男女性别比为1.5∶1;年龄主要集中在21~49岁,占总体的93.94%;初中学历占全部求询者学历的41.49%;高危性行为占各种求询原因的19.87%。求询的问题主要涉及HIV检测相关问题,艾滋病症状、传播途径及感染概率等。结论青壮年性接触是大同市艾滋病传播的危险人群及方式;目前亟须对进城务工人员和男同性恋人群提供艾滋病知识宣传和VCT服务;提高求询者安全套使用率和转介率应是今后VCT工作努力的重点。
Objective To understand the HIV infection status and related factors among people attending voluntary counseling and testing for HIV provided by Datong Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC).MethodsThe statistical analysis was conducted on the testing results,demographic information,reasons for seeking advice and risk behaviors of the people receiving counseling and testing service from 2009 to 2010 in Datong CDC.Results Up to 99.91% of 2326 people seeking advice received HIV testing,and 1 HIV positive case was detected(0.04%).The male to female ratio of these people was 1.5∶1.Up to 93.94% of them were aged 21-49 years and 41.49% of them only had education level of junior middle school.Hiving high risk sexual behaviors was the main reason for advice seeking(19.87%) The mostly asked questions were about HIV testing,AIDS symptoms,transmission routes and infection probability.Conclusion The sexual contact in young adults was the major transmission route of HIV in Datong.It is necessary to provide the health education about AIDS and VCT for migrant workers and men having sex with men.The promotion of condom use should be strengthened and referral rate should be increased in the future VCT service.
Disease Surveillance
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; voluntary counseling and testing; reason for advice seeking;