Objective To explore the mechanism of the decline in effectiveness during the treatment ofParkinson's disease with L-dopa. Methods In this study, we used flow cytometry、agarose gel electrophoresis,electron microscopy and PI/HO33324 double staining to detect the induction of apoptosis of the catecholaminergicPC12 cells ny L-dopa. Results The ratios of apoptosis induced by L-dopa at the mranges of the contents of 50,100and 150 μmol/L were 12. 4%, 24.4%, 37. 2% respectively; significantly higher than those of the control group(P<0.01), while the ratio of apoptosis induced by L-dopa at the concentration of 20μmol/L was similar withthat of the controls (P>0. 05).Conclusion The results suggested that apoptosis might be involved in thepathogenetic phase, when the effectiveness of the treatment with L-dopa was declining.
Chinese Journal of Neurology