
巴黎释意学派口译过程三角模型研究 被引量:31

A Study on Seleskovitch's Triangular Model of Interpreting
摘要 释意学派创始人Danica Seleskovitch教授认为:口译过程包括源语理解/阐释、意义"脱离源语语言外壳"和目的语表达这三个步骤,它们构成了一个三角形的信息处理过程。本文追溯了释意学派口译模型形成的过程,认为:它的诞生展示了释意学派大胆的学术创新精神,加速了国际口译研究的认知心理学转向,并为后续口译信息处理模型的诞生提供了借鉴和参考;但是该模型对释意学派"脱离源语语言外壳假说"轻描淡写,对口译信息处理的具体路径和方式也避而不谈。基于此,文章根据认知心理学信息处理理论,认为口译的信息处理是由控制性与自动化加工联手、串行和并行处理配合、自上而下同自下而上的加工方式共同参与完成的。 Danica Seleskovitch, representative of the Paris School, claims that perception/ comprehension, deverbalization and expression constitute a triangular model of interpreting rather than a linear process of message/sense transfer. This article, by tracking the generation of this interpreting model and reflecting upon its theoretical values and deficiencies, argues that this very triangular model, though failing to elaborate on the hypothesis of deverbalization and how linguistic information is processed in interpreting, is a bold theoretical innovation which helps accelerate the cognitive psychological turn of international interpreting studies and serves as great inspiration for the emergence of ensuing information processing models of interpreting. Then the article, based on the theories of modern cognitive psychology, proposes that the processing of linguistic information in interpreting is accomplished through the combination of controlled and automatic processing, serial and parallel processing and top-down and bottom-up processing.
作者 张吉良
机构地区 深圳大学
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期74-80,共7页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
关键词 口译 认知心理学 巴黎释意学派 interpreting cognitive psychology the Paris School
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