
基于激光扫描的大锻件三维尺寸测量 被引量:5

Three-dimensional Measurement with Laser Scanning System for Large Forgings
摘要 锻压过程中对大锻件的准确快速测量能提高大锻件的制造能力和减少资源浪费。本文介绍了基于双轴直角坐标运动执行机构和激光扫描测距传感器的测量系统,实现热态锻件尺寸的快速准确测量,采用椭圆的最小二乘法拟合锻件截面并获取锻件关键尺寸,并计算锻件轴线直线度并进行误差分析。通过实验验证该测量方案的可行性和重复性。 Promptly and precisely measuring the key dimensions of hot-large forgings during the forging process could imlprove theproductivity andd reducethe scrap rate of raw materials.This paper introduces a novel lneasurenlent system base on perpendicularcoordinator and a scannlng laser sensor.which could acquire the profiles of an object very soon.And then,the least squares methodfor ellipse fitting with the forging section and the way to get the straightness accuracy of the forging axis are introduced.In the end,the feasibility andrepeatability of the system get verified through the laboratory experiments.
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期82-85,共4页 Machine Design And Research
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2009AA044102)
关键词 锻件测量 激光扫描 最小二乘法 椭圆拟合 直线度误差 forging measurement laser scanningsquare method ellipse fitting straightness accuracy
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