
从美国市场看中国制成品出口竞争表现:1989~2009 被引量:1

Analysis of the Competitiveness Performance of China's Manufactured Product Export from the Perspective of U.S.Market:1989~2009
摘要 文章利用J.C.Batista(2008)扩展的恒定市场份额模型(CMS)方法分析了1989~2009年期间中国在美国制成品进口市场上相对于其他出口国的竞争表现,结果表明,中国对OECD国家在所有技术水平产品项下具有持续性全面竞争优势,且在金融危机期间呈现出结构变化。中国对非OECD国家具有阶段性全面竞争优势,且在金融危机期间转变为部分竞争优势。 This paper uses the CMS extension method porposed by J. C. Batista (2008) to analyze the comparative competitiveness performance of China's manufactured pordcut export in U.S. market in the period of 1989 - 2009. Generally speaking, China's manufactured prodcut export possesses a comprehensive and continual competitiveness advantage over the OECD countries under the all-level product categories, and shows structural changes during the financial crisis. But it only has a partial advantage over the non-OECD countries.
作者 刘岩 王健
出处 《国际经贸探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期10-16,共7页 International Economics and Trade Research
基金 对外经济贸易大学国内外联合培养研究生项目
关键词 制成品出口 恒定市场份额模型 竞争表现 manufactured product export constant market shares analysis competitiveness performance
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